Lavender.That slow balsamic scented purple piece of treasure. now, typically, when lavender appears in your mind, your reminded of the strong sense it possesses but overlook the real power in its healing of insomnia,intestinal discomfort & muscle relief which is just the surface of this plants power,Lets take a deeper look into lavender.
like discuss earlier lavender has been known to have healing abilities when injected. aromatherapist use lavender inhalation for headaches, anxiety, and exhaustion. herbalist have been said to use lavender oil to treat skin ailments such as eczema, acne, and fungal infections. now, usually, when someone thinks of ingesting or using lavender on their body, you would think oil or tea, but lavender can be infused in a number of things such as skin care.
lavender can be infused with oil for massages, salves, (which is just essential oil heated with beeswax) soaps and lotions are an option along with honey. yes, you can make lavender honey. Just soak some lavender and some honey for 3 to 4 weeks because it’s an herb and it needs more time.
now that we have an understanding on how we can utilize lavender in today’s world, the question comes “how was lavender used in ancient times?” well, ancient Egyptians were notorious for the versatile uses for lavender stemming from fragrance and essential oils, bathing,offerings for gods and even in their mummification process. in 1922 when pharaoh tutankhamuns (king tut) tomb was open, traces of lavender were found and the scent could still be detected.
Aside from Egypt, many other ancient civilizations, such as Grece,the Arabian peninsula & Ancient Rome used lavender specifically in medical practices. Ancient Rome recognized lavender for its antiseptic qualities and utilize its oil as an insect repellent. Arabian women had popularized lavender oil as hair regimen as lavender conditions and strengthens hair, follicles it can naturally promotes hair growth. ancient Greece, however, was blessed with herbalist and physicians who had the plants and knowledge to cure insomnia, back pain, relief, and digestion, sore throats, and headaches.
lavender is beautiful. Lavender is helpful. Lavender is nothing short of an herbal treasure so versatile it can sooth and heal the essence of not only your body, but your soul. Medical purposes for sleep and hair between its metaphysical properties for protecting and warming off negativity I highly recommend everyone should try lavender associated remedy at least once.